The committee with the mandate the General Assembly has met as planned on Saturday evening 14.11.2009.
Ahmedou and Cheikh were absent.
The discussion has revolved around the actual content of the mission, as the organizational aspect of the General Assembly is in itself no big problems.
The fact that the General Assembly as last time (in 2004) will be organized in two steps has been identified as necessary: \u200b\u200b
- an informal plenary meeting where all decisions of text changes to be made to the office selection. Participation is limited to AAA members. This part of the General Assembly could in the house The members are organized.
- a formal plenary meeting to be held in a public place (hotel) and what other guests, press, etc., are invited.
The realization that the organization of the General Assembly should, as early as possible in itself not a goal was made. The aim should be to provide AAA for a well-organized Assembly so good, so that it can best serve the objectives pursued in the future.
this haben sich einige Fragen gestellt. Die Beantwortung dieser Fragen von jedem Mitglied ist notwendig, damit das Komitee seine Arbeit glatt, schnell und reibungslos machen kann.
Diese Beantwortung könnte hier direkt auf dem Forum geschehen, oder beim nächsten Treffen schriftlich vorbereitet werden.
Die Fragen, die beantwortet werden sollen, sind:
- Was erwarten Mitglieder von AAA ?
- What aspects should be revised texts in AAA?
- What is the best date for the informal General Assembly? Formal Assembly?