For all those little could be expected (special greeting to Papa Rooster and Family Materne). ..
In recent days the following happened: the electricians have completed the wiring on Tuesday and Wednesday! have in some places we damn many buttons. Katrina will never manage to remember which switch is for which lamp :-)
Today the drywall started and almost finished all isolated. Very early in
has announced the cleaner. Instead of 15.06. he is now already at 10.06. . Start As Manuel must push ahead with the cable channel on the TV in the living room though. Many thanks :-)))) schonmal
addition, today the connection box for the waste water has been set and we are planning our new kitchen. With the success that can remain the hood, where it is and we have therefore "only" a socket in the wrong place. Oh, and Katrina has the same date used for shopping and ever bought a induktionsgeigneten wok.
Arne in recent days on shopping tour and meets with various natural gas, or horticultural business.
Finally, we have converted the garage into a sectional and enlarged to 3.50 m!
The tension mounts .... until next time

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