Monday, November 16, 2009

Different Parts Of Ship With Diagram

hard questions of the organization committee of the Assembly

The committee with the mandate the General Assembly has met as planned on Saturday evening 14.11.2009.

Ahmedou and Cheikh were absent.

The discussion has revolved around the actual content of the mission, as the organizational aspect of the General Assembly is in itself no big problems.

The fact that the General Assembly as last time (in 2004) will be organized in two steps has been identified as necessary: \u200b\u200b

  1. an informal plenary meeting where all decisions of text changes to be made to the office selection. Participation is limited to AAA members. This part of the General Assembly could in the house The members are organized.
  2. a formal plenary meeting to be held in a public place (hotel) and what other guests, press, etc., are invited.

The realization that the organization of the General Assembly should, as early as possible in itself not a goal was made. The aim should be to provide AAA for a well-organized Assembly so good, so that it can best serve the objectives pursued in the future.

this haben sich einige Fragen gestellt. Die Beantwortung dieser Fragen von jedem Mitglied ist notwendig, damit das Komitee seine Arbeit glatt, schnell und reibungslos machen kann.

Diese Beantwortung könnte hier direkt auf dem Forum geschehen, oder beim nächsten Treffen schriftlich vorbereitet werden.

Die Fragen, die beantwortet werden sollen, sind:

  1. Was erwarten Mitglieder von AAA ?

  1. What aspects should be revised texts in AAA?

  1. What is the best date for the informal General Assembly? Formal Assembly?

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Example Wedding Table Chart


Motorcycle Flash Template


From the office:

- Yedaly Hacen Vice President

- Aly Hawba General Secretary

- Abdallahi M'Boyrick head of the social component

- Cheikh Cheikh Ahmedou head of ZAK

- Mohamed Said Ahmed head of the ETK

- Mohamed Lemine Khayar Vice General Secretary

- Mohamed Cheikh Vadel Youba Deputy Head of KK

- El Hadj Taleb Mehdi Vice Director of the ETK

- Mohamed Ahmed Sidi Vice Chief of ZAK

presence outside the offices:

- Abdelmounem Idoumou

- Mohamed Taleb Jiddou

- Mohamed Salem Hacen

- Ahmedou El Bah

- Cheikh Ethmane

- Ely Mheimid

- Saleck Najem

The quorum necessary for the legal validity of agency decisions has been achieved with 9 members present at the office.

for the preparation of the General Assembly before the end of the year a committee was founded by 5 people.

The goal of this committee, the General Assembly in the earliest possible date and under the best conditions possible to organize.

The committee should discuss the connection to the meeting on his program.

A small restitution of the activities seit dem Auftakt vom 3 Oktober, wurde gemacht.

Ahmed Salem Hacen hat Abschließend Fotos von der Belegschaft gemacht, um die auf die Forumsseiten zu publizieren.

Cheikh Ould Ethmane

Erst Treffen des Vollversammlungsorganisationskomitees

In the first meeting of this committee (which has the same place after the weekly meeting) were discussed different points of those present.

First, a division of powers of the tasks, the following are summarized:

  • Local Search (will take place where the meeting)
  • date of the General Assembly
  • Zensibilisierung participants
  • cost recovery set (There is enough money to be collected)
  • film adaptation of the Assembly to make it to archive
  • list to be invited guests

These tasks should Taleb Mohamed be broken down into individual steps as the first to be able to better define the responsibilities. defined

After the tasks, a meeting on Saturday is scheduled to conclude at 14:11:09 the assignment of tasks and the respective steps.


Mohamed Said O. Ahmed

Abdel mounime O. Idoumou

Ahmedou O. El BAh

Taleb Mohamed O. Jiddou

Cheikh O. Mohamed Cheine

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Gift Basket For Stroke Patients

Minutes 11/11/2009 Minutes of the AAA meeting on 4 November 2009

Am Mittwoch der 4 November 2009 haben sich zur gewöhnlichen Zeit (18:30) die AAA Mitglieder taken.

was originally planned for an office meeting. The quorum (minimum number of members of a final office meeting - 7 in this case) but was not able to reach, as the information work is not done as desired.

why those present were instructed not-present office to inform members of a meeting next Wednesday at the same time and it was determined who informs whom.

A limited group of 5 persons (Taleb, Abdelmounem, Ahmedou, Said, Cheikh Ahmedou) was asked to take turns moderating the forum and ensure that this remains animated.

A Member (Abdelmounem) has made an example a down payment of its contributions due. It was mentioned that all members review debt that has already been identified by Khadijetou (book guide) of the association.

The meeting was ended by 20 clock.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Gray Suit Green Shirt

protocol of the meeting on 28 aaa

Am Mittwoch den achtundzwanzigsten Oktober zweitausend und neun haben sich einige Mitgliedern der AAA (Amicale des Anciens d’Allemagne) an der gewöhnlichen stelle getroffen.

Die Sitzung wurde von den stellvertretende Präsident Herr Yadaly H.

this decided in preparation of kunftig for the General Assembly that the Presidium Buro ausserordientliche a meeting next Wednesday halten moege

  ein Bericht über der finanziellen Lage des Vereins und die Situation der geschuldeten Beiträge pro Person wurde Frau Khadijetou El Bah präsentiert.

und Ein Bericht über die möglichen Kosten der kommenden Vollversammlung wurde von H.Ahmedou B. aufgeführt.

Die Anwesenheit war ziemlich beschränkt, Das Treffen ist gegen Zwei und Zwanzig Uhr zu Ende gekommen


Monday, October 26, 2009

Illinois School Professional Psychology


Am Mittwoch den einundzwanzigsten Oktober zweitausend und neun haben sich einige Mitgliedern der AAA (Amicale des Anciens d’Allemagne) an der gewöhnlichen stelle getroffen.

Die Sitzung was chaired by HMSaid, and it was a report on the financial position of the Association of Women Khadijetou El Bah presented.

Khadijetou was entrusted to a situation of the contributions due to ersellten per person.

A report on the potential costs of the next General Assembly was performed by H. Ahmedou B..

The group led by H. Bekar A. and E. Cheikh has contacted some members who were very happy and are willing to participate in the association.
The attendance was quite limited, it could be that the time does not fit. Therefore it was suggested that one more in the Forum meeting diskutiert.Das against two and twenty Clock has come to an end

Assisted by Ahmedou

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Purchasing Birds Chicago

minutes of the AAA meeting on October 14, 2009

On Wednesday the four-center October two thousand and nine, certain members of the AAA (Amicale des Anciens d'Allemagne) at the ordinary office hit.

the task of the group that created the forum to be viewed.

The Vice President Mr. H. Yadaly was Mr M Said A's Technology commissioned represented as it would be held elsewhere.

A new comer would be welcomed, it was Mr. Cheikh E. is a computer scientist from Darmstadt, who wants their own business here in Mauritania.

The discussion turned to the next steps we would take below should allow you to host the General Assembly quickly as possible.

was this case decided to propose that we should form two groups, one group under the leadership of Mr. Ahmedou B. and wife Khadijetou as the Deputy Accountant, the one defecate estimate for the upcoming General Assembly next Wednesday .

The second group, led by Mr. A. Bakar, and E. Cheikh should contact the members and the new forum of the AAA shall be informed.

It was decided that the two groups are expected to report next Wednesday.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Denise Milani Natural

The forum was created. What next?

After completion of the Forum would like to create work that has delegated that group present its work.

These are the members of the AAA, especially in the meeting of October 7 were going to a meeting on Wednesday, October 14 au 20 invited clock in the same place.

Presentation The Forum is followed by a discussion on how to proceed, particularly concerning the preparation of the next General Assembly.

Those attending the forum have already been invited to lead discussions in the forum or to participate in it. The Forum


Saturday, October 10, 2009

Denise Milanis Boobs Real

minutes of the meeting of October 7, 2009 AAA

On Wednesday the seventh October, two thousand and nine against twenty clock have (Dallemagne Amicale des Anciens), some members of AAA in the ordinary taken place.

The decision of this meeting was on October 3 at the annual reception of the message purpose of memory taken by Wiedervereinigungstag.

The attendance of this meeting is appended to the minutes.

The discussion leader was traditionally Yedaly Mr. H., Vice-President of the association that serves the President in the absence of Mr. Ba as interim chairman.

Two new arrivals were welcomed. It was welcomed by the Lord A. Bekar and Mr Abdallahi MM

was also Mr. El Moctar G., who is now working in Mauritania, after his long stay in the UAE.

theme of the meeting was to investigate how the association can be reactivated, as it has done for almost four years hardly anything.

It was in the course of the discussion as a priority identified a Vollvorsammlung to organize as soon as possible to:

- the current office, with the mandate for more than two years has expired, renew,

- correct any in the association of procedure texts existing weaknesses to avoid in future the mistakes of the past build

The proposal by Mr I. Abdelmounime an Internet forum was hailed as the best way to have an exchange option, which can reduce the cumbersome meeting frequency, faster so and transparent to the organization of the General Assembly to arrive.

Mr. Abdelmounime I was asked this forum to build and to use the necessary help from other members.

regard, H. I. Abdelmounime to a meeting tomorrow invited at the same time and same place where all want to participate in the construction of the Forum may attend.

The climate of the discussions was as usual very friendly and a further meeting would be organized no later than November 7, wherein the meantime, the Forum will be developed and what the exchange between members with respect to enable the various important issues until then.

The meeting ended against twenty two clock.

Amicale des Anciens d'Allemagne AAA

Comments Please make possible in German

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Watch Elvis Online Starring Kurt Russell

Saturday, 25.07.2009

Es sind nicht mehr viele Spalten offen!!

Friday, July 24, 2009

Large Outdoor Rabbit Hutches With Runs Blueprints

schedule Friday, 24/07/2009 earthworks

Nachdem wir uns schweren Herzens bei der Regenwasserfrage für die Sickeriglos entschieden haben hat Herr Henke auch schon wieder sehr schnell angefangen und die Arbeit, wie gewohnt zuverlässig, erledigt.

Nun sind die Regenwasserrohre angeschlossen und auch die Reinigungsflansche verbaut.

Aufregender war an diesem Tag, daß plötzlich viel Erde auf unserem Grundstück war?!?!?

Zum Hintergrund: Auf der Suche nach der besten "Sandlösung" Arne looked around in the neighborhood and found no 100m basement work from us. The company was a company that we had in the past done this before an offer. Unfortunately we arrived 10 days late, because a large part of the world had already left, but said the boss, everything is still there after filling, we make over and take only the wages. Sorry Arne came over yesterday evening and saw that the filling was finished but we did not care. Too bad was probably not enough :-(
But as I said, Arne was so suddenly this morning before the mountains, and while he still doubted his sanity arrived already two men and a large excavator. The question the price could answer any of them and they began to distribute the sand. The same conditions from the previous day were still very satisfied and so we can be and are the same company security officer at the "mother land question" again.
Now our site looks already almost done :-) The slope of our neighbors is unfortunately a bit too steep, that we will have to be corrected once. But a good deal we have done in any case and we are the first barbecue party on our own turf a nasty, low step closer.

Look their way, the flash? Since Wednesday, a storm is raging here! Signed Lightning :-)

Thursday, July 23, 2009

How Long Till You Get Over Strep

Thursday, 23/07/2009 sanitary center

Behind sanitary middle:

commissioning of the heating. The now runs a startup program and will run up in the next 14 days at 50 ° flow temperature and then back down. The climate in the house is something very humid and we have to be lots of air. Moreover, were executed, the shower stalls and bathtubs.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Best Stations For Fm Transmitters In Philadelphia

Tuesday, 21.07.2009 Meeting with Mr Mellin

Today was on the Construction site of the blower door test instead. This test determines the tightness of the house. For this purpose, all openings sealed and vacuum created by a fan. When 10 different pressures in each case measured how much air flows. Thereafter, the test is repeated over and measured the air pressure loss. From all points and the two types of measurement, the mean genommen.Das law requires here max 3%, a house with Belüftugsanlage must provide 1.5% and a passive house under 1%. Our house reached 1.36%! I think we can be very satisfied.

Then we have with Mr Mellin yet discussed the shortcomings. The biggest deficiency was present the facade. After some back and forth, were the hump above the upper gable window and measured as it was exceeded a height of 4mm decided to make the facade again.

The rest were multiple small defects that are all but eliminated.

Monday, July 20, 2009

How To Determine Max Wattage For Light Fixtures

Monday, 20/07/2009 House connections completely

were today found the service connections completed. Now we have electricity, water, waste water and gas in the house. The bell does :-)
have also completed the garage builder the foundation for the garage and spread the sand hill on the property. The small excavator from Mr. Henke was just standing still behind a mountain (extra used as a screen), unfortunately the mountain was dann weg.

Nun sieht unser Grundstück ja gleich ganz anders aus. Allerdings sehen wir nun auch, daß wir noch reichlich Erde brauchen.

Neben den ganzen Anschlußarbeiten war heute auch still und leise der Mann für die "Nacharbeiten " da und hat die Deckendurchbrüche und die Deckenfugen verspachtelt.
Wieder einmal wird hier die spannende Frag sein, was Andre dazu sagt :-)

Thursday, July 16, 2009

How Much Skoal Is Bad

Thursday, 07/16/2009 Today, much has

Heute ist sehr viel passiert, aber wenn ich mir den aktualisierten Schedule look, it is now are more likely days on which several firms are working simultaneously.

But first things first:

first Waterworks

The waterworks would come at 8.00 am and set the drinking water supply. The good Christian was there punctually at 7.30, but as Arne arrived at 8:30 to meet with the farmers garage was not a "Aquarius" to see ...

Instead, the structure was dismantled and we now have a clear view of our house

The builders were farmers, this is a nice experience: Throughout the breakdown, the men were constantly on one, lying in the grass part by scaffolding. To the question, "but also that belongs to you?" we got the answer: "yes, but it's broken." While we have an answer, or at least sought a connection between our question and his response after he pushed, "we take it even with" Okay so all later " in earning ", but 1 hour, they then started the cargo to be secured with belts all the parts ...? No of course not, our broken part was still there, but just when I wanted to go forth again was the amazing thing he took the part, carried it to the truck, past the truck and threw it on the opposite site to the local parts of the scaffold. Hmmmm I'm assuming it's the same scaffolding company ... the world is well known, small.

second Back to the waterworks

They had reported the meantime, but would not have the material and are also still in a house around the corner.

third The floor slab for the garage

met Mr. Lengemann with his construction crew into two vans and immediately was unloaded.
After we announced our desire height for the garage floor - then the shock. Messing up the whole thing under the roof box. The garage like it under here, but the roof sections are fittingly mounted from above and there are 40 predefined cm. Thus, all considerations, whether we find a level attractive or not, would have done ... It would be two stages. After another call to the NL Central leader of the garage it was still 30cm. Still too high! Now it was packed Lengemann ambition and he called again at the mechanic, and after much back and forth and the threat: "Then do not have a garage" there were still 20 cm. Still not perfect but I think the best way.

So the men were able to begin Monday and are expected to be ready.

2a) Waterworks

Nicht in Sicht

4) Trockenbauer

Heute war auch noch der Beginn der letzten Trockenbauarbeiten.

Nach den üblichen Meckereien, " alles noch zu feucht", "mehr lüften", "hier müssen die Putzer noch ihr Band abschneiden" legten die Männer dann doch los.

Katrins Fächer werden aufgrund der Höhe und der Abstände dem Fliesenleger bestimmt noch Kopfschmerzen bereiten. Aber sie sehen toll aus und werden mit Sicherheit sehr zweckmäßig sein.
Ansonsten wurden heute die Vorwände geschlossen und die Badezimmerdecke beplankt.

2b) water works

The waterworks came and was a very good job done.

Christian's very close, but space-saving installation requirements were complied with by the waterworks. Thank you for that, we can use every square centimeter.

Now we have a heater, an e-distribution, indoor plumbing and the gas terminal is also ready.

What is missing is still

Vattenfall (on 20/07/2009)
Telekom (also in the next week) cable
Germany (Did I forget) you can imagine, we have forgotten the request, he then faxed yesterday and hope Now that the specified Period of 15 weeks is a Joke!

to Sun, it will be for today have been too!

Oh No - there was still something!

Dear Mama, dear Papa!
to your 38th! Wedding anniversary, we wish you all the best and love!
1000 Knut Schis from Kladow of your daughter, Christoph & Arne