Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Best Stations For Fm Transmitters In Philadelphia

Tuesday, 21.07.2009 Meeting with Mr Mellin

Today was on the Construction site of the blower door test instead. This test determines the tightness of the house. For this purpose, all openings sealed and vacuum created by a fan. When 10 different pressures in each case measured how much air flows. Thereafter, the test is repeated over and measured the air pressure loss. From all points and the two types of measurement, the mean genommen.Das law requires here max 3%, a house with Belüftugsanlage must provide 1.5% and a passive house under 1%. Our house reached 1.36%! I think we can be very satisfied.

Then we have with Mr Mellin yet discussed the shortcomings. The biggest deficiency was present the facade. After some back and forth, were the hump above the upper gable window and measured as it was exceeded a height of 4mm decided to make the facade again.

The rest were multiple small defects that are all but eliminated.


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