Nachdem wir uns schweren Herzens bei der Regenwasserfrage für die Sickeriglos entschieden haben hat Herr Henke auch schon wieder sehr schnell angefangen und die Arbeit, wie gewohnt zuverlässig, erledigt.

Nun sind die Regenwasserrohre angeschlossen und auch die Reinigungsflansche verbaut.
Aufregender war an diesem Tag, daß plötzlich viel Erde auf unserem Grundstück war?!?!?
Zum Hintergrund: Auf der Suche nach der besten "Sandlösung" Arne looked around in the neighborhood and found no 100m basement work from us. The company was a company that we had in the past done this before an offer. Unfortunately we arrived 10 days late, because a large part of the world had already left, but said the boss, everything is still there after filling, we make over and take only the wages. Sorry Arne came over yesterday evening and saw that the filling was finished but we did not care. Too bad was probably not enough :-(
But as I said, Arne was so suddenly this morning before the mountains, and while he still doubted his sanity arrived already two men and a large excavator. The question the price could answer any of them and they began to distribute the sand. The same conditions from the previous day were still very satisfied and so we can be and are the same company security officer at the "mother land question" again.
Now our site looks already almost done :-) The slope of our neighbors is unfortunately a bit too steep, that we will have to be corrected once. But a good deal we have done in any case and we are the first barbecue party on our own turf a nasty, low step closer.

Look their way, the flash? Since Wednesday, a storm is raging here! Signed Lightning :-)

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