Friday, January 18, 2008

Full Metal Airsoft Desert Eagle Chrome


As I have still promised a few pictures insects, especially C. (my dear friend) has requested this, you will get here are a few nice little fellow to see. The centipede was at least 10 cm long, which is in the photo might not be seen as good. Butterflies, we have seen in all sizes and colors.

with a poem by Moni Lai Storz, our hostess at Langkawi from her poetry collection " SACRED WORDS: A JOURNEY OF GRIEF WELL TRAVELLED" verabschiede ich mich von euch.
You leave a butterfly kiss
On my cheek
A wing-brush
My cheek a canvas
For you painting
Of our love
In caterpillar time

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Green, Earthy Baby Shower

Home again! Back home! The island of Langkawi

Dear Family and Friends! As quickly can pass three weeks ... Yesterday we, after a 24-hour return journey, exhausted but well preserved and full of experiences that will still be processed, landed in Munich. The time in Malaysia was exciting, exhausting, colorful, fun, relaxing - impressions for all the senses. In particular, the culinary diversity, for those who like Asian food, a special experience! There are also many places to explore but for the few weeks we have seen and heard - the mucins in his morning prayer, the crickets in the jungle, the sound of the sea, the many birds and a colorful mixture of languages. Of course, we have met many nice people, especially our exceptional hosts to Langkawi'll be remembered. I hope I could take you with me on our trip to Malaysia, or at least give you a glimpse of our adventure.

With Phil (Felipe)
and Moni in Pondok Keladi - a small oasis.

Flowers at the Twin Towers

flower garden in the Highlands.

In the bird park in KL

the artist: a small beach cancer

Sunday, January 13, 2008

How Manny Calories In Chicken Curry

If you have you ever wondered why you do not hear more from us - the relaxed island life is to blame ;-) Unfortunately, time passes much too quickly, just one week, we now have on the former pirate island verweilen ist wie im Flug vergangen.
Die kleine Insel Langkawi liegt vor der Nordwestküste Malaysias. Die nächstgelegene thailändische Insel ist etwa 15 km von der Nordküste Langkawi's entfernt und von unserem Lieblingsstrandlokal gut zu sehen. Wir haben wunderschoenes Wetter und natuerlich viel Zeit am Strand verbracht. Leider konnten wir die ersten Tage wegen der fiesen Jelly-Fische (Quallen) nicht im Meer baden. Man sieht sie nicht aber spuert ueberall kleine brennende Stiche. Zum Glueck harmlos und ohne bleibende Schaeden aber eben sehr unangenehm. Natuerlich kann man ausser faul am Strand liegen noch ein paar andere nette Sachen auf der Insel machen. Mit unserem ausgeliehenen Roller sind wir fast schon die ganze Insel abgefahren. Das beste Transportmittel here - nice airy! The longest cable car in the world (do not worry - schweitzer quality ;-) we have allowed ourselves transported into the dizzying height of 730 meters. With no sweat on the highest mountain "Mat Cinchang! From the upper deck you can see beautiful ocean and the adjacent landscape. So ... beautiful waterfalls
The Seven Wells and a great freshwater lake (which we visited on an island hopping tour), we have compensated for the lack of sea-bathing experience. Although I have to note that today we could swim without jelly fish in the sea - yippie!
The picture with Niko and the shows including our accommodation. A nice small guesthouse with only six Zimmern und etwas abgelegen d. h. nicht direkt am Strand. Dafuer haben wir fuenf Hunde, eine Katze, zwei Hornbills (Nashoernvoegel!), viele Schmetterlinge und Geckos und ab und zu Affen im Garten. Ein kleines Paradies (bis auf die fiesen Moskitos…) Und nicht zu vergessen unsere sehr liebenswuerdigen und aussergewoehnlichen Gastgeber Moni, eine kreative malayisch-chinesische Australierin und ihr englischer Freund Phil - ein Musiker. Die Atmosphaere ist sehr entspannt und ich glaube wir koennten es noch locker ein paar Tage laenger hier aushalten aber leider geht es morgen mit dem Flieger schon wieder zurueck nach KL. Am 16.01.08 sind wir wieder bei euch!

Sind die Makaken nicht suess? Aber lieber nicht zu nahe kommen und schon gar nicht die Zaehne zeigen - sonst zeigen sie dir ihre....oh oh!

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Should I Use Onyx In My Small Bathroom

Tamara Negara

Von den Cameron Highlands haben wir ca. 7 Stunden mit dem Bus nach Tamara Negara gebraucht. Das Dschungelgebiet Zentral-Malaysiens ist 130 Millionen Jahre alt! Der Primaerdschungel ist hier noch unberuehrt und daher sehr artenreich. Das kleine Dorf (Kuala Tahan) in dem wir angekommen sind liegt an einem Fluss (Sungai Tahan) und unsere Unterkunft ist nur mit dem Boot zu erreichen. Abgelegen und alles spartanisch eingerichtet(das ist noch sehr milde ausgedrueckt ;-) dafuer hat es nur 6 Euro pro Nacht und Person gekostet. Am naechsten Tag haben wir zusammen mit unserem Guide auf markierten Pfaden eine Wanderung durch den Dschungel gemacht, mit Tabak in den Socken damit We bite no leeches. And yes - it has helped! Oh man - what we were sweating in 35 degrees and 75% humidity! The Canopiwalk (the hanging bridges in the trees) we loved - a casual walk in the treetops - it should only be afraid of heights because some one is at 45 m height. Afterwards we walked along a hill (350 meters) but when we were up, I was ready. And because that was not enough (Schmunzel) then we could still climb a slippery dark bat cave or crawl. And that was partly true ecklig - especially when I had to hold on to a rock, so as not to slip into one of the hundreds of rocks, and then started thinking about your, where is the many bats hanging from the ceiling and rumflogen left their shops. In that moment I knew that on the stones, it was totally up to the dark flashlights, but not earth is .... arghhhhhhh! Well - if it's just bat shit ... all the animals in our accommodations were not as pleasant but except for a few mosquito bites, we fared well. Incredibly, the crickets in the jungle - so what loud of such small animals, I have never heard. With the Malaysian barbecue are naturally a bit bigger than our home. It is thought to be somewhere like a tree or sitting at the dentist and stops the drill.
After the cave we do not have a village with Orang Aslis besucht, dieses mal ein anderer Stamm wir in den Highlands, und danach war fuer Niko und mich Feierabend. So ein Dschungeltrip kann echt anstrengend sein. Am naechsten Tag sind wir in der Frueh mit einem Boot nach Jerantu und von der dort haben wir den Bus nach KL genommen. So konnte ich euch jetzt, nach einer angenehmen ruhigen Nacht in einem sauberen Bett, erholt und ausgeruht von dem Erlebnis aus Tamara Negare berichten. Heute Abend fliegen wir nach Langkawi (Insel an der an der Westkueste Malaysiens kurz vor Thailand) und dann komme ich endlich zu meinem langersehnten Strandurlaub! Juchu!
Bis bald aus Langkawi! Dani und Niko

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Softball Pitcher Quptes

Cameron Highlands

Before us devious Highlands, we still have extensively celebrated New Year in KL. The fireworks at the Twin Towers was short but fierce. Tausenende of people have gathered here and ten minutes looked spellbound at the spectacle. The people themselves are prohibited missiles or Boelle to ignite. Where most Muslims was hardly drunk alcohol. The only ones we have seen with champagne bottles, tourists were in the bars! After the fireworks were still fashionable party. Hundreds of people have been romping in the streets and clubs - all civilized realtiv in all, considering how many people were traveling. The next day we are
then by bus to the Cameron Highlands down. Famous for its tea plantations - the green carpet of Malaysia. A beautiful landscape that also offers a great moss jungle called Moosy Forest. In yesterday's tour, we were able to learn much about the flora and fauna here. The Highlands are at about 1500 - 2000 m altitude and there are also villages with the natives of Malaysia, the Orang Aslis. Of course you are not on the trail of civilization gone by but they still try some of their old culture to obtain. That is, they live in their traditional Langhaeuser on stilts and have a "take it easy" attitude. What is today is today and what will be tomorrow will be tomorrow. We were able to with a small group (in total with guide 7 people visit) and were allowed to take place in a long house. The chief has invited us to tea and tapioca for ;-) Niko has also tried a traditional blowpipe hunting and barely missed the goal. He has not hit me for luck.
All the pictures of the many spiders, giant beetles and other insects, I show you mad then happy to Gross - brrr ... goose bumps ... is :-))
morning again already in the jungle - after Tamare Negara. New large insects discover ...