Saturday, December 25, 2010

Tattoos With Meningitis

Christmas greetings

Ho ho ho,
I wish you all a Merry Christmas even though a large part vom Fest schon vorbei ist. Ich hoffe die Bescherung war bei allen recht groß und ihr konntet selber viele zum lachen bringen mit euren Geschenken.
Guten Appetit beim morgigen Weihnachtsessen, bei mir gibt es morgen Gans. Die Mama stellt sich an den Herd und wird was zaubern.
Bei so viel Essen vergesst mir bitte nicht den Sport, wegen Fettverbrennung und sowas, sonst steht die Diät schneller im Haus als man es geplant hat :)
Also frohes Fest

Sport frei

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Emerald Nuts Candy Walnuts

start second Alpencup / Germany Cup

Sport frei

Zweiter Tag geschafft hier am Arber. Das Wetter hat heute auch mal mit gespielt, die Sonne hat sich nämlich stellenweise gezeigt. Das Thermometer hat -12 gezeigt, also leicht kälter als gestern.
Auf It was about at 11 clock 3x 3.3 km. A superb round. The height profile ... No comment. The meters are too much even for the World Cup. Even if it should be built at the biathlon stadium Arber's largest ever, there were no sprint with 3 x 3.3 km, because it is simply not acceptable. In DP, it will run anyway, does not matter. Fortunately, I will also receive the route. I can run my steady pace in the mountains. worked prone again not really, 2 errors. I had to respond to the whirling wind and unfortunately, I reacted too much. On the track, I was second by second, but again do well. At the standing stage, there was a sense of achievement with 0 errors and thus a double motivation, we went to the final round. I've seen in the minutes before the 1:30 I started Matt Bischoff. In the end I was able to run up to 17 seconds on him. The list was then a lead of 1:13 minutes before Matt Bischoff, who was on the 2nd place. 3rd Rank secured my buddy Felix Schuster.
pleasing whole, however, was the preservation of the yellow jersey in the overall standings. So tomorrow I will for the first time in such a jersey and run I can keep it no matter how it goes tomorrow. As has ever been worth the stay here in Bayerisch. The jersey goes to my fan club in Barchfeld who support me mentally and with full humor (and below us the best football team in Germany is).
So then, again stretching the evening and tomorrow to the pursuer.

More free

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Thanks You For Get Well

Brave with dogs to find solutions for Dog sitting Dog sitting with a lot of movement

brave with dogs is also short-term solutions for dog-sitting with lots of exercise. The dogs have fun and joy, for in the neighborhood are many ways all the dogs to run free. Oh, just come to observe free sniff is just as important. Thanks guys ...

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Gay Pickup Spots In New Jersey

brings mutual always fun and ...

Dog sitting on reciprocity always brings fun and joy. Yes, if we are outside, there is never a walk, but always training, right?

Monday, September 20, 2010

How To Get Sample Wrestling Shoes Size 10

Invitation of the embassy October 3

The Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in Mauritania, invites all AAA members to the annual October 3 toast.

The invitation cards are to be collected by Mohamed Said.

Your presence is highly desirable. to organize

Monday, September 6, 2010

Congratulatory Speeches

Yes, every day there is still the animal thought of the day

Today is:
Life is wonderful. We now simply take time to explore in this sun-drenched beach landscape experiences.

you a first-come of this powerful, much older male: "Well, old age, not with me, you hear my voice." So the last. Now he can if he wants us to be shouting Bell concert afterwards, we hear not go easy.

Go for blue water shone, just like having fun. And since even these long, slender-legged. The biggest dog in advance, he will show me that he is the boss, but afterwards I did not go. I ignored his posturing and concentrate rather on the girls in the entourage. Well, if you do not want ... So more ...

Over there are again two very sweet and sticks flying into the water there is there too. So go ahead, it is not a dream, weggebissen so intense by the girls to be? And now ... Oh, you're still there, just come also to the beach, I have to continue ...

Here is the animal thought of the day to see eg:

... and here you can simply enter your text known, maybe he will appear soon: http: / / / contact imprint

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Why Men Get Manzilion Wax

Lackierung (Vorbereitung) Teil 2

How To Make A Model Of The Female Uterus

Lackierung (Vorbereitung)

Funny Freshman Slogans

Day 5 Versiegeln Teil 2

Women Chest Sitting On

Day 5 Versiegeln

Plans For Building A Dunking Booth

Day 4 Schweller

Average Salary Ccnp And Mcse

Day 3 Teil 2

Are Bataleon Snowboards Good

Day 3 das neue Heck

Canine Papiloma Crush

Day 2 Fortsetzung 2

Complete Parts Of A Ship

Day 2 Fortsetzung