Saturday, February 5, 2011

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Osrblie s actually not that bad

Today I thought about the sequence of a race day from the perspective of the athlete. The audience usually only see after all the athletes at the start, in the race, the finish and in interviews before and after it happened but what we see actually not really. Our
(Robin and I) day began today with the rising clock 6:40, breakfast by 7 Departure to the competition venue 800th point or 80 minutes to wake up, brush your teeth, tighten morgentliche shops, food, and grab bag for the competition. After a test ride of 25 minutes to get out of the bus and ski. Since I had another 4 ski to choose from, no later than 9, the skis must be at the technician just under 30 minutes to find the right material. Here you have the current weather and weather forecasting and observe how changing the route could be the route soft, wet, deep ... and so on. Then it goes to zeroing. Zeroing clock runs from 9 bis 9:50 clock. It starts almost always 1 hour before the first start. When zeroing the wind, one should remember exactly the conditions in the race to be able to properly respond. Apparently there are also shifting winds. Until his own start one now has time to make warm. Not only circling or jumping around a bit, because every so has its own program. Some do not need much warm-up time, and others even more. I am one who makes the longest warm, takes 60 minutes. My engine needs more powerful to come forward. I always run schländern about 40 minutes from the ski around bis hin zu Sprints. Jetzt kommen wir zu dem Teil den jeder im Fernsehen sehen kann. Start - Schießen - Laufen - Schießen - Laufen - Schießen - Laufen - Schießen - Ziel. Bei mir sah das heute so aus. 0/1/0/1 im Schießen, schnellste Laufzeit und am Ende erste auf der Liste. Unendlich glücklich, dass ich meine guten Leistungen von den Wochen zuvor bestätigen konnte. Fehlt nur noch der letzte der ins Ziel muss und das Ergebnis steht. In der Zeit umziehen und Laktat (Milchsäure in den Muskeln) raus laufen, dabei ist es erwünscht Teamkameraden anzufeuern. Dann geht es zu "Flower Ceremony", die besten 6 werden da geehrt während die Doping-Kontrolle schon auf die besten 3 wartet. Fertig mit der Siegerehrung?(Für die Weltcup Athletes are now the interviews) from the pee. And that can ever take ... and last. If all this is finished, it goes from food to hotel and at first was. In the course of the day, the race-skis are ausgewachst and be prepared for tomorrow's test. .... Do not forget the stretch.
All in all a pretty full-packed program. Today I was with Robin of 8 clock to just 14 clock on the legs.
Now I look, that my recovery and I work again tomorrow so make a race that would be great.
With these words I leave you in peace times. free until tomorrow



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